NEON- Character Designs

I started making this comic based around 5 teenagers who created this gang type thing called NEON. What NEON does is pretty much anything for money. They have this site in which people can post jobs that NEON can choose to do or not- whether it is mowing someone lawn, stealing a valuable artifact, or killing someone- if the pay is good, NEON will do it.
Wix - PURPLE -
The assassin of the group. She carries smoke bombs, knives, and a small pistol. She is agile, small, and very talented.

Boo - BLUE -(left)-
He is the runner and driver of the group. He is the one who goes to do fast jobs and get people out of situations (pickups). He carries a crowbar to break into things, and has roller blades to increase his speed.
Mic - ORANGE -(right)-
He is the communicationist. He watches over everything and strategizes. He also goes through the posted jobs to check reliability. He carries around spray paints to mark spots and areas so that his allies know where to go.

Tac - RED -
He is the gunman of the group. He is the most generic one you could say, he just carries around pistols, and a big gun on his back. He also carries around tracking devices in his pocket, which he can place on anyone/thing and use to pin point whatever he wants.

Cat - GREEN -
She is the sniper of the group. Cat is very, very lazy, and usually doesn't listen to instruction- she is very talented, but only in sniping and location. She stays very, very far back, for she isn't a good runner or close combat fighter (if she's caught, she is basically dead, unless someone is close by to help her).


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