Cover Image- I Was Lied To

So I drew a really nice looking image to put as the cover image of the blog... but blogger lied to me about the size. It said to get an image of 1800 x 1600, and that's what I did. However, it's not that size at all... so I'll have to make another image or just use one of the pre-made images (such as the one already applied). Now, I said image even though before I said I was making a comic for it. I realized that it was a dumb idea and ditched it. However, I will finish the comic and post it (it's about feedback). And, because I made this image, I will not leave it for waste- it gets little glory only being a post, but it will suffice! 
I am actually quite proud of this image. It (of course) didn't come out the way I had planned, but it still came out nicely.


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