Day 12 of 30

Today's topic was "superhero" which isn't exactly apparent in my drawing, but I still did draw one, no matter how normal the guy looks. His name is Phil and he is a college science professor. His power is to release his soul. How this works, is he releases his soul and becomes a barely visible ghost like spirit (while doing so his body is vacant and still). This power can be used for scouting without being caught, he can also move through walls and other objects while in spirit form. Another factor is that Phil can posses another beings so long as his soul is stronger than the owner, so Phil cannot posses most humans, mainly just animals. The breaking point of this power is that Phil's body is completely open, anyone can attack and kill Phil if he isn't careful. Another issue is that Phil cannot pinpoint the location of his body- if he forgets where it is, or if it is taken away he will have to go and search for it (there is no limit to how far away his spirit can be from his body).
So with all that lore said, here's what our hero Phil looks like:
During school I probably draw some comics about him. I don't draw many comics outside of school because I'm not as bored anywhere else. My mind truly becomes creative when I'm at a certain level of boredom.


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