Day 10 of 30

Today's topic was "Eyes" which is incredibly simple. I didn't want to draw realistic eyes, cause I's never need to use that, so no need to practice. So I just drew some simple eyes, but animated it, so it wasn't a complete waste of time (and so its not super boring).
Here's how they turned out:
So, my dad said I need to reanimate the ball because I need to have several arches, to understand timing and the physics of how the force lessens as it goes on. After I do that, I need to draw a spinning coin (like Mario). Then my dad told me I can try doing VFX again. He said to add a sparkle effect to the coin too (for when being picked up), and then I should try again with the basic VFX. I'd like to try animating an explosion, but that's not in my league, so maybe dust that a character makes when jumping or landing (I don't know, something like that though).


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